

Tips and and tools to help you grow your brand online.

Tips for working from home in today's world

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We are all getting used to adapting to a new “normal” right now and adjusting our daily routines. For many with the opportunity to do so, that means working from home, which may be an entirely new undertaking. Working from home can sound appealing (many of us may have wished for this opportunity in the past) but it requires discipline and thoughtful consideration to be successful. 

We are now confronted with creating new work spaces and designating parts of our home where we can conduct business from, while limiting outside distractions from our personal lives. For many with children at home this can create a whole new set of challenges. As we settle in for what will likely be several more weeks of ‘work-from-home’ mode, we wanted to send along a few tips we’ve crowdsourced from local business professionals who have experience being productive from home. 

  1. Be adaptable and take it in strides. You might be adjusting to life without that morning chatter with coworkers over coffee, instead beginning your work days by logging in remotely to check your inboxes or joining Zoom meetings. This is new territory for many so approach it with patience and flexibility, also think of it as an opportunity to learn new things.

  2. Establish a routine and schedule that will work for you (and your family if they are with you). This will set you up for success and will set boundaries between work and home life. This includes thinking about the time you’ll start and finish work, as well as scheduling your breaks for meals and stretching.

  3. If space allows it, set aside a work space that is solely for work. This allows you to commit to work more thoughtfully and know that if you’re in your work space, you should be doing just that–working. Finding a spot where your laptop lives and you can comfortably work from for a few hours a day without massive distractions is key. 

  4. During this time, communicate more - not less - with your team. If you’re leading a team, they need to know that you have a plan in place to prepare for the season, and need to know you stand by them at this time. 

  5. Get comfortable with video calls. Just as we do regular business with people face to face, thankfully we have ways to do that nowadays without being in the same place, thanks to video conference platforms like Zoom, Google Hangouts, and others. There are many free options available to keep us connecting virtually, take advantage of them. 

  6. Manage expectations. Your kids might be at home full time now, so be realistic with your work schedule. Don’t assume you’ll be getting the same eight to ten hours of work done - again, be realistic. 

  7. Get proper sleep and stay well rested. This is a trying time for all and the uncertainty of our days can be stressful. Do your best to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, by going to bed at a reasonable hour and waking up at the same time each day. This will help keep you on schedule, while keeping an element of normalcy. Health is our top priority right now and getting proper rest is essential to your overall productivity.

  8. Take breaks and don’t feel bad about it. Go for a walk around your neighborhood or do some mid-day stretches or yoga on the lawn after lunch. Take time to breathe and refocus in order to sustain your health and wellness.

  9. Limit the amount of time you spend reading the news and being on social media. There are more distractions than ever online right now. We all want to stay informed but it can be overwhelming. To avoid being sidetracked by the latest news story or social post designate a couple of times a day to check on these things and limit your time there. If you don't, your entire day can easily be consumed. 

  10. Go easy on yourself. There’s a lot of reasons why many of us won’t be able to get as much work done over these next few weeks, and that’s OK. Do the best you can do and don’t get down on yourself. We’re all in this together, and while some people may be able to be more productive others will need to step back. Figure out what you need to get through this and just do the best that you can.

*This blog was originally provided for use by the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce

Angela Prout